Common Questions from New H-2A Employers: Options for Worker Housing?

As an H-2A fixed site grower, can I use a travel trailer or camper as housing?
— First Time H-2A User

Answer: Although not expressly excluded, all housing will be inspected at a minimum based on the housing checklist we have/will provide to clients. You'll want to reference that checklist when performing a self-inspection and take the minimum measurements into account, including ceiling height. Additionally, you may wish to verify state law and local ordinances will allow you to do so, something we can help you address.  

This blog series answers the most common questions we get from first-time H-2A users. másLabor prides itself on not just filing and worker coordination services, but educating businesses entering into H-2A for the first time on how to be successful and compliant users.


Common Questions from New H-2A Employers: Driving Arrangements for Workers?


Common Questions from New H-2A Employers: Leadtime to Worker Arrival?